[nycphp-talk] UPS Shipping Calculator

Timothy Boyden tboyden at
Mon Aug 20 16:51:00 EDT 2007

It's sad you and others like you choose to focus your attacks on me
rather than assist the original poster with their question. I would
gladly help except my hands are tied by copyright.

So much for the professionalism.

At no time did I complain about having had to pay, instead I said I was
thankful for the help now, and before when I received the help (you can
check the archives and see for yourself), all I mentioned is that it had
to be paid for before it could be useful. There was no preview or code
snippets provided that would of indicated that it would be useful or
even relevant to my needs, but instead I took a leap of faith, paid for
the articles and luckily it worked out for me. I was left with that
option as no one else came to my assistance as you would suggest, and
for that much I am again grateful to "Digital Ink". If you're so sure
those open source apps provide the solution, why don't you help out and
post the code, it's open source so you wouldn't be violating any
copyright. I for one couldn't find the code that would lead to a
solution for me that wasn't embedded in a number of modules to

My main point of contention was not about cost, but about freely sharing
ideas and solutions - the real point of this list. You want pay for
solutions, head on over to

Those same contributors you mention don't come on here and ask you to
buy their book in order to get help either. They are very generous and
offer code help directly and freely. In return those who they've helped
(like me) return the favor and purchase their books to support their
efforts. There is a difference. 


-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Mark Armendariz
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2007 4:05 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] UPS Shipping Calculator

Timothy Boyden wrote:
> while the
> second example - though ultimately helpful if you choose to pay for 
> the articles - is nothing more than an advertising plug that only 
> benefits the magazine.
I do agree that the post was a plug, but a helpful plug that aided you
in solving your problem.  As a list full of mature professionals, it's
generally assumed that a commercial resource for information will cost
money.  Disclaimers aren't specifically needed.  Especially considering
a great deal of the contributors to the popular and, as proven, helpful
php publications are regulars here.

You were in no way forced to cough up the cash.  You could have come
back here and asked the community if any other resources were available.
You could have done more research, including checking the open source
applications available like oscommerce and phpshop.  You could have read
the thorough UPS tracking / rating specs, which are fairly thorough, and
come up with your own library, but instead, accepted information from a
commercial resource and then came to complain about having to pay for
it, which is fairly useless to the rest of us.

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